High-fives for Malaysian illustrator Chow Hon Lam aka Flying Mouse 365 for creating this funny “Part Time Job” series. Besides saving the world, every superhero is capable of taking on another job during their spare time. See all the superheros at their part-time jobs after the fold.
Iron Man
Ironing clothes would be his part time job.
Aqua Man
Cleaning aquariums would be his part time job.
Captain America
Captain America would be serving food with his shield at an All-American restaurant.
Cat Woman
Catching rats would be her part-time job.
Cyclops’s part-time job would be a road worker.
Flash’s part-time job would be delivering pizza.
Human Torch
Human Torch would be roasting chicken. Extra busy during Thanksgiving.
Iceman’s part-time job would be an ice cube manufacturer.
Invisible Woman
Invisible Woman’s part-time job would be at magic shows.
Mister Fantastic
Mister Fantastic’s part-time job would be an apples picker.
Spider Man
Spider Man’s part-time job would be netting rackets.
Storm would be a vegetable farmer.
Superman’s part-time job would be a postal officer.
Thor’s part-time job would be a blacksmith.
Wolverine’s part-time job would be slicing meat at a meat shop.
Batman doesn’t need a part-time job. He is rich!
Which is your favorite superhero job?
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November 30th, 2014
hulk destroying buildings