Excellent advice for getting paid for the work you do right from the beginning so to avoid any payment misunderstandings.
“There is no need for us to be tentative about stating our requirement for a deposit before we begin working for the client. We simply say, we’ll get started as soon as we receive the deposit, as is our policy for all new clients.”
“We need not apologize for being responsible business people. Never again should we find ourselves attempting to clarify issues of payment after we have begun working on the engagement. This is the simplest of business tests, one for which there is no longer any excuse to fail: for all new clients, we will be paid in advance.”
Excerpted from Blair Enn’s book, The Win Without Pitching Manifesto, available to buy as hard copy or read for free online.
April 24th, 2013 |
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Busy designing logos recently – Lucky to say. The last 2 projects that I completed were smooth. Great communication, great process and great results. Both clients were very satisfied with my work. It’s a charm when you land on jobs that are clear and straight-forward but there will be times when you get jobs that feel wrong before you even start. These projects will last forever with countless rounds of revision. In not-so-fortunate cases where I don’t have the option to walk away, I try hard envisioning the day when I can call it done! Meanwhile I take it as an opportunity to better myself as a communicator, designer and to learn how to avoid similar cases in the future. It is because of a not-so-fortunate case, I found this very useful article on designing logos so I am happy to share it here. It is written by David Airey, a graphic designer in Northern Ireland, author of www.logodesignlove.com …Read On ›
April 12th, 2013 |
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“With the launch of the iPad Mini today, Apple has started running a new television ad for the device that it showed off during the media event last week. The ad — entitled ‘Piano’ — doesn’t have any voiceover; instead, it shows GarageBand running on the full-size iPad playing one hand of the two-hand duet from ‘Heart and Soul’. The song is an easy-to-learn piece popular with beginner pianists. Moments later, the iPad mini appears, playing the second part of the duet.” …Read On ›
November 3rd, 2012 |
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I have been using the Twitter plugin on my site for some time now. It’s been working as it should until recently. “No public Twitter messages” is display on my Twitter message board even though I know for sure that I have tweets on my Twitter page. Hence the start of a search for a solution. It turns out that Twitter recently changed their RSS feed url to a different format, so the twitter.php file that came with the plugin need to be updated for it to work again. …Read On ›
November 3rd, 2012 |
Blog | 21184 Views |
Due to popular demand, I have created a section on my website for creating custom HTML email signature. It is simple and straight forward. For a small cost and in about a week, you will be ready to …Read On ›
September 26th, 2012 |
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